Friday, March 12, 2010

Getting Your Cervix Ready For Labor

Not to be too graphic, but your cervix is a bit like a peach. It needs to be soft and ripe to be ready for labor. I recommend to all of my birth clients that they start taking Evening Primrose oil capsules at 37 weeks pregnant. Evening Primrose contains a prostaglandin that helps your cervix to soften and become favorable for labor. If you are looking at a possible induction Evening Primrose oil will make an induction much more likely to suceed. The capsules look like large vitamin E pills. They will not make you nauseous and can be taken on an empty stomach. I recommend you get capsules that are 1300 - 1500 mg and take three capsule daily starting at 37 weeks in your pregnancy. A side benefit is that your hair will be very shiny! At 39 weeks we recommend that you insert 3 capsules vaginally at bedtime. The capsules will completely dissolve. If your cervix is soft and ripe when your contractions start it will help to shorten the length of your labor. The uterus will no longer have to do the pre-work of softening the cervix and can move on to the business of opening the cervix and allowing you a glimpse of the precious baby you have waited so long to see. If you are looking at a possible induction and would like help implementing natural methods of labor induction please feel free to contact me. I would be happy to help.